Baltic Linguistics is an annual, peer reviewed journal welcoming submissions of theoretical or empirical interest focusing on the Baltic languages. Its thematic range encompasses both synchronic and diachronic research. The journal also publishes reviews of important publications in Baltic linguistics. Apart from the requirements of quality, theoretical interest and width of scope, there are no restrictions on the subject-matter of submissions. A double-blind peer-reviewing policy ensures unbiased evaluation.


The most important subject of the deliberations pursued in the journal concerns constructions of childhood: their transformations (both in previous centuries and recent decades), the directions of this evolution and its dominant tendencies, and the cultural and social causes of changes in the perception and treatment of childhood and adolescence. Analyzes and interpretations presented in “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” (“Childhood: Literature and Culture”) focus on visions of childhood in various texts of culture, ones addressed not only to children and young adults, but also to adults: both diverse literary genres and other cultural media (including the complex area of popular culture). (more)

LIBCOM JOURNAL   Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License 


"Poradnik Językowy" was founded in 1901 by Roman Zawiliński, a professor at a secondary school (gimnazjum) in Kraków. He was the editor and publisher of the journal. "Poradnik Językowy" is one of the oldest Polish linguistic periodicals. It publishes works in the field of Polish linguistics, Slavic and general linguistics, as well as speech therapy and glottodidactics. więcej



“Prace Filologiczne” [Philological Studies], founded in 1884 by Antoni Adam Kryński, is the oldest philological journal in Poland. Currently, it represents a linguistic profile.
Scientific field: Humanities
Discipline: linguistics
Publisher: Warsaw University Press (since 2022)
Owner:  Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Abbreviation of the title: PF
Frequency: annually
Release date: by the end of each year
Submissions: accepted continuously via the OJS system
Publication model: gold open access (no embargo)
License: CC-BY 4.0 ( )
Article processing charges: none
Journal list of Polish Ministry of Education and Science: 70 points
(see more)
LIBCOM JOURNAL   Creative Commons – Attribution


“Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo” (“Philological Studies. Literary Research”) derives from “Prace Filologiczne” (“Philological Studies”), one of the oldest scientific philological journal in Poland, established in 1884 by Adam Antoni Kryński. The journal is devoted to the problems of national philology, history of Polish literature and culture, Slavic studies and classical philology, literary criticism and literary theory.
Short version of the title: PFLIT
Frequency: annual
Release date: June
Access model: open access (available here)
Field: humanities
Discipline: Polish philology, literary studies
Publisher: University of Warsaw Press (since 2019)
Owner: Dean of the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw
List of scientific journals (Ministry of Education and Science): 100 points

 LIBCOM JOURNAL   Creative Commons Attribution


Rocznik ukazujący się w Warszawie od 1978 roku. Publikowane są w nim interdyscyplinarne prace autorów związanych z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim oraz innymi, polskimi i zagranicznymi, ośrodkami naukowymi. Stałe działy periodyku to: artykuły i rozprawy naukowe, recenzje, varia, noty. Tematyka to szeroko pojęte oświecenie.


"Zeszyty Łużyckie" ("Sorbian Papers"), established 1991, is an academic journal publishing scholarly articles devoted to problems of minorities sensu largo. Our authors' scope of interests encompasses both the minorities institutionally recognized and perceived as "traditional" (i.e. national, ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities), and those whose minority status is in the course of dynamic (re-)constitution and remains to be defined (as is often the case with social, cultural, political, and other minorities).

Scientific field: humanities
Discipline: linguistics, literary studies, history
Publisher: Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw
Owner:  Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Abbreviation of the title: zl
Frequency: annually
Release date: by the end of each year
 accepted continuously via the OJS system
Publication model: gold open access (no embargo)
License: CC-BY 3.0 
Article processing charges: 
Journal list of Polish Ministry of Education and Science: 40 points
Creative Commons – Attribution