"Zeszyty Łużyckie" ("Sorbian Papers"), established 1991, is an academic journal publishing scholarly articles devoted to problems of minorities sensu largo. Our authors' scope of interests encompasses both the minorities institutionally recognized and perceived as "traditional" (i.e. national, ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities), and those whose minority status is in the course of dynamic (re-)constitution and remains to be defined (as is often the case with social, cultural, political, and other minorities).




ISSN: 0867-6364 (Print) ISSN: 2719-9967 (Online) DOI: 10.32798


ISSUE 62: Religious, confessional, and alternative worldview minorities. The search for spiritual independence in Slavic cultures


The issue of Zeszyty Łużyckie presently in preparation is devoted to the study of various forms of seeking, experiencing, and manifesting religious and/or spiritual independence. These phenomena are to be presented from a minority perspective which encompasses both confessional as well as spiritually oriented minorities professing alternative worldviews, including groups which function within traditional religious institutions while calling for their purification and/or modernizing. We wish to put particular emphasis on the fact that working towards purification or emancipatory ideals is often seen in terms of acts of apostasy, thus becoming an important factor of social change.

Issue 62. of Zeszyty Łużyckie is prepared in cooperation with the Commission for Comparative Research of Slavic Literatures of the International Committee of Slavists.

Journals Master List database for 2022


We would like to kindly inform you that the journal „Zeszyty Łużyckie” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2022.

Based on the verification of information on the functioning of the journal in 2022, the value of its parametric strength (ICV indicator) was calculated.

ICV 2022 = 88.55

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(2020) 76.00


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