About ktoś inny. The status and nature of a certain type of reference indicators in Polish


The study focuses on a series of expressions containing the adjective inny [other / else] and a pronoun attached to it on the left side. Apart from the expression mentioned in the title [namely someone else], the set includes also nikt inny [no one else], żaden inny [no other], jakiś inny [some other], coś innego [something else], and nic innego [nothing else]. The aim of the analysis is thus to identify the status of these expressions, which at first glance belong to a homogeneous series. That is why it is essential to determine whether they are separate units of language (as understood by Andrzej Bogusławski (1976)), or whether they are regular compound expressions. The task requires considering each of the six expressions individually. In order to do that, it is necessary to apply a reduction test concerning the left-hand element. The next step is to assess whether the analysed expressions open or block their right valency position for a noun. Additionally, a substitution test referring to particular elements of the given expressions is applied. The article is an attempt at revising one of the hypotheses on the status of the analysed expressions, which were rather hastily proposed by the author at an earlier stage.


other / else, linguistic unit, semantics, adjective, valency position

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Published : 2020-12-15

Wołk, M. (2020). About ktoś inny. The status and nature of a certain type of reference indicators in Polish. Prace Filologiczne, (75/1), 501–516. https://doi.org/10.32798/pf.674

Mariola Wołk 
Katedra Języka Polskiego, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn  Poland