Migration Identity in Children’s and Young Adult Literature Through the Eyes of Non-Polish Writers – Based on Þankaganga by Vala Þórsdóttir and The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan


This article explores the theme of migration in selected children’s and young adult novels: Þankaganga [The Thought Walk] by Vala Þórsdóttir (2010) and The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan (2012) and in the context of Polish emigration and migration literature for adults, children, and young adults. The aim of the paper is to show differences and similarities in the approach to this theme depending on the time of writing and the recipient of the work. In children’s and young adult literature, the topics of maturation and bilingualism are in the foreground, and the problem of migration is a factor that intensifies the process of shaping identity. The fact that the authors of the above-mentioned novels are non-Polish writers adds new perspectives to the picture. The analysis employs tools of comparative and cultural migration studies.

Received: 05.02.2022
Accepted: 24.03.2022


bilingualism; The Weight of Water; children’s and young adult literature; mobility; Sarah Crossan; migrant identity; Þankaganga [The Thought Walk]; Vala Þórsdóttir

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Published : 2022-08-12

Gromadzka, B. (2022). Migration Identity in Children’s and Young Adult Literature Through the Eyes of Non-Polish Writers – Based on Þankaganga by Vala Þórsdóttir and The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 41, 67-91. https://doi.org/10.32798/dlk.947

Beata Gromadzka  beatagr@amu.edu.pl
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  Poland

Beata Gromadzka – prof., works at the Institute of Polish Studies of the Faculty of Polish and Classical
Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). Her research interests include
didactics of literature, visual education, literature for children and adolescents, and artistic creativity
for Franciszka and Stefan Themersons. Contact: beatagr@amu.edu.pl.

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