About the Journal
The most important subject of the deliberations pursued in the journal concerns constructions of childhood: their transformations (both in previous centuries and recent decades), the directions of this evolution and its dominant tendencies, and the cultural and social causes of changes in the perception and treatment of childhood and adolescence. Analyzes and interpretations presented in “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” (“Childhood: Literature and Culture”) focus on visions of childhood in various texts of culture, ones addressed not only to children and young adults, but also to adults: both diverse literary genres and other cultural media (including the complex area of popular culture).
The aim of the biannual journal “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” (“Childhood: Literature and Culture”) – published at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw – is to initiate and present scholarly reflection on various representations of childhood that can be found in both literary works and other cultural texts: films, TV series, comics, plays, works of art, video games, etc.
The articles published in the journal concern such topics as creators’ convictions about what (and how) childhood is and should be, motives of leaving childhood behind as well as going back to this state.
Each number contains scholarly articles devoted to the topic of the current issue, collected in the “Studies” section, as well as papers on various topics, unrelated to the theme of the issue (“Varia” section) and scholarly reviews. Papers submitted to these sections are reviewed. Introductions from the editors (appearing in every issue) and interviews (appearing irregularly), published in the “Talks” section, are not subject to review; the former are written by the editorial team, while the latter may be submitted externally or by the editorial team, and the decision to publish them is up to the editors.
The idea of “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” is to affiliate differing disciplines and research schools. Due to the interdisciplinary nature, the journal is addressed to researchers: experts in literary and cultural studies, film scholars, media experts, bibliologists, library scientists, and art historians, as well as practitioners: culture animators, librarians, and teachers.
The journal's area of interest is primarily Polish constructs of the child and childhood, and secondly those belonging to Western culture. However, we do not limit potential submissions to this focus and also encourage submissions on other cultures. This policy is reflected both in the nationality and geographical diversity of the Editors, Authors, Reviewers, and the members of the Editorial Board.
The journal is funded by:
- the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw – vol. 1 no. 1 (2019), vol. 1 no. 2 (2019), vol. 2 no. 1 (2020), vol. 2 no. 2 (2020), vol. 3 no. 1 (2021), vol. 3 no. 2 (2021), vol. 4 no. 1 (2022), vol. 5 no. 1 (2023), vol. 5 no. 2 (2023);
- the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme of the University of Warsaw, Poland (Action I.2.1.) – vol. 4 no. 2 (2022).
Editors are committed to preservation of scholarly research. In order to make the published content available and accessible the journal is archived in:
- The Keepers Registry https://keepers.issn.org
- CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library) https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=2594
- ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus) https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/journal/issue?issueId=all&journalId=68998
Backup copies of content published in the journal are collected: 1) in computer memory at the editorial office (Institute of Polish Literature, Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, 00-927 Warsaw), and 2) on a Google drive connected to the editorial e-mail box registered in the domain of the University of Warsaw (redakcja.dlk@uw.edu.pl).
In case the journal is no longer published, all contents of the journal (i.e. individual articles) will be uploaded to the Repository of Centre for Open Science: https://depot.ceon.pl/. In addition, on an ongoing basis, all contents of the journal are posted to the CEEOL database repository.
Revenue sources
This is an Open Access Journal with no subscription charges. The Journal does not receive any revenues from publication of regular issues.
The Journal is financed by the University of Warsaw.
Any revenues from special issues, supplements or any other form of subsidies or sponsorships that occur on an irregular basis, do not influence the decisions of the Editors.
There is no subscription fee.
The Journal does not accept publication of any advertising material.
In-house advertising might appear in a form of banners on the Journal web site and within the Journal.
Advertisements are not related in any way to the editorial decisions.
Direct marketing
In the case of direct marketing, the Editors will make every effort to target them accurately and unobtrusively.
Publishing schedule
The Journal is published twice a year: in September and in December.
Journal statistics in 2024
Published articles: 21, including:
- in Polish: 13
- in English: 8
- national authorship (PL): 14, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 4
- foreign authorship (DE, GR, IT, JP, NL, US): 7.
Number of reviewers: 56, including:
- national (PL): 34
- foreign (AE, AU, CA, IT, MO, MY, US): 22.
Rejection rate: 30%
Journal statistics in 2023
Published articles: 19, including:
- in Polish: 16
- in English: 3
- national authorship (PL): 17, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 6
- foreign authorship (US): 2.
Number of reviewers: 43, including:
- national (PL): 35
- foreign (CY, CZ, DE, UK, US): 8
Rejection rate: ca. 30%
Journal statistics in 2022
Published articles: 17, including:
- in Polish: 12
- in English: 5
- national authorship (PL): 15, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 3
- foreign authorship (GR, US): 2.
Number of reviewers: 29, including:
- national (PL): 22
- foreign (DE, GR, MO, TW, US): 7
Rejection rate: ca. 19%
Journal statistics in 2021
Published articles: 23, including:
- in Polish: 16
- in English: 6
- national authorship (PL): 19, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 12
- foreign authorship (IN, GR, NL, PT, US): 5.
Number of reviewers: 40, including:
- national (PL): 33
- foreign (CA, DE, ES, IT, UK, US): 7.
Rejection rate: ca. 17%
Journal statistics in 2020
Published articles: 23, including:
- in Polish: 16
- in English: 7
- national authorship (PL): 19, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 8
- foreign authorship (ES, CA, US): 4.
Number of reviewers: 62, including:
- national (PL): 43
- foreign (CA, CZ, DE, ES, HU, JP, NL, SE, UK, US): 19.
Rejection rate: ca. 26%.
Journal statistics in 2019
Published articles: 28, including:
- in Polish: 21
- in English: 7
- national authorship (PL): 24 = ca. 86%, incl. local authorship (University of Warsaw): 13
- foreign authorship (ES, IR, US): 4.
Number of reviewers: 49, including:
- national (PL): 36
- foreign (CA, DE, ES, GR, HK, IN, IT, LT, UK, US): 13.
Rejection rate: ca. 18%.