Diversity and Multiculturalism in the Detektywi na kółkach Series by Marcin Kozioł


The aim of this paper is presentation of the way of describing diversity and multiculturalism in the Detektywi na kółkach [Detectives on Wheels] book series by Marcin Kozioł. This series consists of three books: Skrzynia Władcy Piorunów [The Lord of The Thunders’ Chest] (2017), Tajemnica Przeklętej Harfy [The Secret of the Cursed Harp] (2018) and Gwiazda Blachonosego [The Plate-Nose’s Star] (2020). The author of the article first examines problems related to the representation of diverse value systems and cultures in contemporary Poland, including invisibility of particular types of diversity (like different than dominant religion or neurodiversity). She then moves on to analyse multiple aspects of multiculturalism in the series written by Marcin Kozioł.  Based on these analyses, it can be concluded that the way of describing social diversity in these three novels represents a transitional stage between traditional representations of this topic and sensitivity of readers in the 21st century.  

Received: 06.01.2022
Accepted: 25.03.2022


Detektywi na kółkach [Detectives on Wheels]; Marcin Kozioł; disability; Polish children’s literature; diversity; multiculturalism; multiculturality

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Published : 2022-08-12

Fidowicz, A. (2022). Diversity and Multiculturalism in the Detektywi na kółkach Series by Marcin Kozioł. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 41, 31-44. https://doi.org/10.32798/dlk.932

Alicja Fidowicz  alicja.fidowicz@uj.edu.pl
Jagiellonian University in Kraków  Poland

Alicja Fidowicz – PhD, works at the Department of International Polish Studies of the Faculty of Polish Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland). Her research interests include disability studies, children’s and young adult literature, and Polish-Slovenian contacts. Contact: alicja.fidowicz@uj.edu.pl.  

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