The Image of the Inhabitants of the Global South Countries in Polish Multicultural Children’s Literature of the 21st Century
The aim of this article is to examine the image of the representatives of the Global South as painted by Polish multicultural children’s literature of the 21st century and to check whether it reproduces the myths and narrative patterns taken from colonial discourse. The author of the paper analyses works belonging to two categories of multicultural literature according to the classification of Mingshui Cai and Rudine Sims Bishop: world literature and cross-cultural literature. Such a selection of the primary sources allows for the examination of which situational contexts are the most conducive to revealing the colonial way of thinking in the narrative. An attempt is also made to link images presented in the discussed literary works with challenges of the modern world, such as global education, ethical tourism, charity, and migration or exile.
Received: 14.12.2021
Accepted: 25.03.2022
Global South; cross-cultural literature; world literature; Polish children’s literature; postcolonialism; multiculturalism; multiculturality
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University of Warsaw Poland
Katarzyna Korwin-Mikke – BA, prepares her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland) on the elements of horror in the image of the family and family home in Polish contemporary literature for children and adolescents. Contact:
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