Translating for Adults – Translating for Children


The present paper focuses on translations of children’s literature authored by those translators who usually target adult readers. Selected translations are discussed with the help of concepts such as the translator's voice, telos, and the translator’s role. The analysis demonstrates that the translators acted primarily as ambassadors of foreign cultures, their motivation was usually related to the qualities of the translated work itself, and the fact that a given book was translated by a person associated mainly with works for adults attracted the attention of the reading community and, to a certain degree, ennobled children's literature within the literary polysystem.

Received: 01.10.2022
Accepted: 14.06.2023


translator’s voice; translated children’s literature; translator’s role; telos; translation studies

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Published : 2023-08-18

Fornalczyk-Lipska, A. (2023). Translating for Adults – Translating for Children. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 51, 24-39.

Anna Fornalczyk-Lipska
University of Warsaw  Poland

Anna Fornalczyk-Lipska – PhD, works at the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw (Poland). Her research interests encompass translation studies, children’s literature, and onomastics. Contact:

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