

Walt Disney  – An Icon of Children’s and Young Adult Culture

Although the world of fairy-tale cinematography for children and young adults is not made up entirely of works created by Walt Disney, Jack Zipes’s statement (2010, p. xii) about its dominant position in crafting (not only) film fairy tales from at least the mid-20th century through the early decades of the 21st century seems both valid and still relevant. The scholar considers it impossible for anyone involved in this field of art, born after 1945 in Western countries, not to have seen productions from the studio and not to have been faced with a choice: either to accept this legacy with all its limitations or to challenge it (p. xi). (more)




Around the Folk Turn in Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Culture

For at least a decade, terms such as ‘folk history’ and ‘folk turn’ have been regularly problematised in the Polish humanities discourse. Katarzyna Chmielewska (2021, p. 307) points out that "[f]olk stories are immersed in a contemporary cultural trend that evokes a lively social response.” Several cultural texts, where traditional culture is the central reference point, can be considered this specific “social response.” These include not only Ludowa historia Polski [Folk History of Poland] (2020) by Adam Leszczyński, Chłopki. Opowieść o naszych babkach [Female Peasants: The Story of Our Grandmothers] (2023) by Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak, Nieprzezroczyste. Historie polskiej fotografii [Opaque: Stories of Polish Photography] (2023) by Agnieszka Pajączkowska, but also cross-media thematisations of the issue, such as the films Chłopi [Peasants] (2023, dir. DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman), Kos (2023, dir. Paweł Maślona) and the series 1670 (2023, dir. Maciej Buchwald and Konrad Kądziela). (more)


2/2024 — CFP extended


We have decided to extend the deadline for submissions for the next issue of our journal: "Body and Corporeality – Representations and Discourses in Cultural Texts about Childhood and Adolescence." The new deadline is June 30. You can also submit papers to the "Varia" and "Reviews" sections.




We live in a reality where the body is not only a topic of discussion but also a space of tension. The media message about corporeality is ambivalent. On the one hand, we are flooded with images of fit bodies, filtered faces of influencers, and advertisements featuring models showcasing their youth and attractiveness. On the other hand, a seemingly appreciated body remains a taboo subject. Although mass popular culture is becoming more and more inclusive, we are still reluctant to talk about diseases, disabilities, old age, or complicated relationships with the body - essentially, about all bodies that do not fit into the generally accepted canon of beauty. Social movements such as body positivity and body neutrality are striving to challenge the status quo. (more)




Childhood, adolescence, and technology  exploring the culture of/for Generation Z and Generation Alpha

In our upcoming issue, we would like to address the topic of the relationship between childhood (as well as adolescence) and new technologies in the context of culture of/for young recipients, concerning both the actual status quo and the cultural reconstructions of these relationships (movies, series, video games, music, visual arts, literature, fan fiction, etc.). Describing the so-called Generation Z, Agnieszka Całek argued that these are people born “already in times of widespread access to computers, the Internet, and mobile technologies. [This] generation is the first one that did not need to mechanically learn to use these advancements, but grew up and socialized in the environment of mobile phones, constant access to the network, and social media” (2021, p. 105). Representatives of Generation Z can therefore be described as “digital natives 2.0” (Kosacka, 2020, p. 51). Usually, by preschool age, they already have their first experience with modern technology (Kowaluk-Romanek, 2019, p. 194). The editor of the monograph Dziecko – media – rozwój. O konsekwencjach obecności mediów w życiu dziecka [Child ­– Media – Development: The Consequences of the Presence of the Media in a Child’s Life] even indicates the fact that “we usually register a child’s first contact with media in fetal life” (Bednarska, 2020, p. 9). (more)




The Magic of Childhood and Adolescence

In the next issue of the journal “Childhood: Literature and Culture,” we invite you to reflect on the motifs of magic, broadly understood, in various cultural texts: literary works, films, TV series, video games, theater performances, fine arts, etc. We are inspired by the academic conference “Abrakadraba! Magia w literaturze dziecięcej, młodzieżowej i fantastycznej” [Abracadabra! Magic in Children’s and YA Literature, Fantasy, and SF], organized in April 2022 by the Scholarly Circle of Fairy Tales, Children’s and Youth Literature, and Fantasy of the University of Warsaw and the Museum of Children’s Books – a special department of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province, Poland. (more)

ICI Journals Master List 2021


We are pleased to announce that „Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” has been awarded 100 points as a result of the parametric evaluation and is included in the lCI Journals Master List 2021. We would also like to remind you that since 2021 our journal has been indexed in the ERIH+ database and is included in the list of journals scored by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. We invite you to submit your texts!




On the margins of creativity? Creators of adult culture – occasionally for children and young adults

In the upcoming issue of “Childhood: Literature and Culture,” we would like to take a closer look at the cultural texts of authors who usually targeted or target their works at adults, but occasionally addressed children and adolescent audiences. We are interested in various creative fields: literature, theater, visual arts, film, music, etc. Both in the history of culture and in recent years, there are many such cases. Literary works – prose and poetry – for young readers were created by James Joyce, William Faulkner, Margaret Atwood, Leszek Kołakowski, Agnieszka Osiecka, and Olga Tokarczuk. Agnieszka Holland, Martin Scorsese, Spike Jonze, and Guillermo del Toro, for years associated exclusively with productions for adult audiences, have directed films for children and young people. Czesław Mozil has released an album of songs for children, and Dorota Miśkiewicz together with the Kwadrofonik music group – a record featuring texts by Julian Tuwim to which Witold Lutosławski composed music. Krzysztof Penderecki created a radio opera for children (to a libretto by Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina), and the Polish Royal Opera undertook the project Let’s Make an Opera! by Benjamin Britten that involved children in creative activities. Piotr Ratajczak directed theater performances based on the novels of Adam Bahdaj, Piotr Cieplak – staging of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Stories for Children, Agnieszka Glińska – theatrical adaptations of Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren and The Witches by Roald Dahl. Mikołaj Mikołajczyk did the choreography for a dance performance for young viewers. Salvador Dali, Yayoi Kusama, and Ralph Steadman illustrated Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and painters and sculptors of the famous German art school Staatliches Bauhaus created toys... Examples of this sort could be multiplied. (more)


Parametric evaluation


We are pleased to announce that „Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura”, two years only after the first issue was published, has been awarded 20 parametric points as a result of the 2021 evaluation and is included in the list of journals scored by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. Moreover, since 2021 our journal has been
indexed in the ERIH+ database. We invite you to submit your texts!

Call for papers 1/2022



Dimensions of multiculturality in the latest works for children and young adults 

The challenges of the 21st-century related to the nature and dynamics of diverse intercultural relations are becoming increasingly evident, both in Poland and in the world. They are reflected, among others, in various works for children and young adults. Literary works, films, television series, comic books, theatrical performances, or video games presenting issues of multiculturality have the potential to raise awareness of the importance of specific social problems, occurring both locally and on a global scale. (więcej)

Call for papers 2/2021



Myths, Legends, and Folk and Fairy Tales in the Context of Childhood and Adolescence: Cultural Texts of the Second Decade of the 21st Century

In the late 20th and early 21st century, critics and researchers turned their attention to the growing popularity of myths, legends, and folk and fairy tales in the works for children, young adults, and adults. The fad does not seem to disappear; on the contrary, it seems to have turned into a broader and prevailing trend. Numerous comments have been made about cultural texts representing various media and language areas, such as the works of Emma Donoghue, Neil Gaiman, Andrzej Sapkowski, Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Shrek (2001); other film retellings of myths, legends, and folk and fairy tales; live-action remakes of classic Disney animations; TV series, like Merlin (2008–2012) as well as video games such as American McGee’s Grimm (2008–2009) or The Witcher series (2007–2016).  (more)