...and there’s us between the fronts. The fate of Sorbs during the Second World War in accounts of witnesses of history


This article presents an image of the Second World War as seen with the eyes of Sorbs. The tragedy of Slavic people sent to fight for German homeland while at the same time persecuted as a “foreign” element on the “native” territory of the Reich was reflected mainly in literary texts written in the Upper Sorbian language. This strengthens the testimony of the witnesses of history recorded in the 1980s by the Sorbian poet Ben Budar and published in the German language in the book Und immer diese Angst (2014). Based on this particular text, the article is an attempt at examining the degree to which memories transform the places “recorded” via stories of individuals in the spaces of collective experience, and allow for a reconstruction of identity of the Sorbs as a nation.


Sorbs; the Second World War; witnesses of history; memory; Upper Sorbian language

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Published : 2020-12-30

Blidy, M. (2020). .and there’s us between the fronts. The fate of Sorbs during the Second World War in accounts of witnesses of history. Zeszyty Łużyckie, 54, 181-193. https://doi.org/10.32798/zl.733

Monika Blidy 
Uniwersytet Śląski  Poland

Monika Blidy, adiunkt w Instytucie Literaturoznawstwa na Wydziale Humanistycznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, pracownik badawczo-dydaktyczny na kierunku Filologia Germańska Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, zainteresowania badawcze: współczesna literatura niemieckojęzyczna, literatura NRD, kulturowo-literacki krajobraz po obu stronach Nysy, literatura regionalna, literatury mniejszości etnicznych/narodowych.

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