Queer Celebrity: Marija Šerifović and National vs. Sexual Identity
The paper examines the media phenomenon of Marija Šerifović, Serbia’s Eurovision Song Contest winner, from two angles: 1) the political context of her success as a representative and cultural emissary of a newly-defined (post-Yugoslav) Serbian nation, and 2) the cultural context of communication of her sexual identity to a largely unsympathetic domestic audience. What makes this case interesting is the over-politicization of this communication: the initial conflict between Šerifović’s celebrity status of a “national heroine” and a (potentially) “queer outcast” has gradually changed in the public sphere in accordance with the more general political shifts in attitudes towards members of the LGBTQ+ community in Serbia. The essay also aims to situate this dynamics in the wider political context of the “sexual diversity debate” revolving around the Eurovision Song Contest.
Słowa kluczowe
Marija Šerifović; Eurovision Song Contest; LGBTQ community; Serbia; nationalism
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