Affective Landscapes of Systemic Injustice among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People in North Macedonia
This paper explores the affective landscapes of systemic injustice faced by the lesbian, gay and bisexual persons in North Macedonia. The analyzed data stems from our qualitative research conducted in 2021 among 20 lesbian, gay, and bisexual people living in Skopje using a phenomenological, critical, and feminist approach. Our research applies a broader multidimensional and systemic method towards equality so as to overcome individualizing and reductive judicial-procedural perspectives on experiences of discrimination and (in)equality. A central concept for this analysis is Pierre Bourdieu’s notion of the habitus/bodily hexis, which helps bring to light embodiment of social structures. Affects are explored as not only subjective experience but a force for shaping relations, representing a key component of social dynamics and the (re)production of social structures. Furthermore, as part of the affective landscape of marginalization and experience of systemic injustice, phenomenology of vulnerability, shame, and belonging is discussed. To conclude, we look at collective actions of resistance and protest as integral experiences in building resilience and resistance in a state of constant systemic trauma, and at the role of critical art and cultural practices in North Macedonia as tools in alternative forms of struggles against affective injustice that move beyond identarian logics.
Słowa kluczowe
justice; affective injustice; affects; systemic trauma; shame; resistance; arts
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Faculty of Media and Communications "Singidunum", Belgrade, Serbia Macedonia
Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje Macedonia
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