Podwójne kodowanie: Tekst w tekście według Łotmana i Kristevej
Lotman explicitly affirms that his methodological wager is an attempt to join the formal-structural paradigm of Roman Jacobson and the contextual-dialogical paradigm of Mikhail Bakhtin. Lotman conceives the structure of the text as heterogenous just because it is at least dually coded, while semiosis is exactly the process of this inner hybridization, which has a creative potentiality. My paper will examine the dual coded structure of Lotman in the light of early Kristeva distinction between semiotic and symbolic function. I will examine the influence of Lotman in Kristeva’s works in the context of the 60s.
Słowa kluczowe
semioza; kodowanie; heterogenicznośc; lustro; samo-referencjalność
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