Punkt widzenia w przekładzie: „The Cask of Amontillado” Edgara Allana Poego w polskich tłumaczeniach
The article examines the notion of point of view (POV) in translation by drawing on examples from selected Polish translations of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado. First, the paper deals with the question of narratologically-oriented research in translation studies and outlines a short history of the concept of point of view with an overview of definitions proposed by literary scholars. It is argued that recent linguistic analyses of point of view have contributed to examining the notion of POV in literary translations. The article also systematises different research approaches that have been developed to study “point of view in translation.” Finally, the paper follows the linguistically-oriented conception of point of view in order to examine translation shifts with regard to the linguistic indicators of POV, including time markers and modality, based on examples from Polish translations of Poe’s short story.
Słowa kluczowe
translatologia; narratologia; punkt widzenia; językoznawstwo; stylistyka
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Uniwersytet Warszawski Polska
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