Across the Genres. On the Need for Alternative ‘Literary Genetics’ of Drama


The subject of the relevance of genre typology and consequently the functional role of periods in the historical and literary process as well as the time marks as closely related to the process of periodisation pose the key issue for the discussion on contemporary literature. It turns out that drama is the literary genre that is specifically prone to gradual genre erosion. This disintegration of its genological forms becomes particularly apparent at the turn of the 20th century due to the devaluation of the fundamental categories of the genre such as dialogues, characters or the plot. Later, in the 1950s it transforms into ‘anti-drama’ represented by the theatre of absurd only to develop into a formula of a ‘postdrama’ in the 1970s. Its poetics is determined by composition techniques including dominance of a moving image, heterogeneity of artistic style, non-literariness, and distortion that take their origin from various systems. Postdrama reveals itself as an intermedia, transmedia and transsystem category that goes beyond the literary genre, positioning itself somewhere at the interface between the language text, television genres, visual arts, and digital media.


literary genre; drama; postdramatic; intermedia; transmedia; transsystem; digital media

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Published : 2021-06-20

Karasińska, M. (2021). Across the Genres. On the Need for Alternative ‘Literary Genetics’ of Drama. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (11 (14), 275-291.

Marta Karasińska
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  Poland

prof. zw. dr hab., literaturoznawca i teatrolog. Kierownik Pracowni Opery i Widowisk w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej UAM. Zajmuje się teorią teatru i dramatu, dramaturgią współczesną, teatrem i dramatem dla dzieci.

Copyright (c) 2021 Marta Karasińska

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