Punkt widzenia a prasa codzienna na przełomie XIX I XX wieku
The following article concerns the issue of point of view in Polish daily newspapers at the end of the 19th century. The daily is considered here as a coherent and cogent literary work based on fictional as well as non-fictional genres and their specific layout. The author proves that what makes the press characteristic in terms of points of view is not so much the introduction of a new, individual voice but rather the introduction of a collective perspective in several variants. Literary fictional genres serve as an instrument of the counterpoint in that they provide an individual position, usually one that is opposed to what one can read in the feature sections.
Słowa kluczowe
prasa dziewiętnastowieczna; gazeta; gatunek; zbiorowy punkt widzenia; niejednorodnośc; awangarda
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Uniwersytet Warszawski Polska
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