Aktualność Dantego i Kresy Vincenza. Teologia i styl Na wysokiej połoninie


The paper surveys the correspondences between Vincenz’ series of novels and Dante’s The Divine Comedy. The relations are bilateral. Not only bringing Dante to mind elucidates Vincenz’ work in various ways, but also the novel by Vincenz reinterprets Dante’s poem. The main plots, both stylistic and theological (with the emphasis on logos) that link these works are: perceiving historical events as figures, establishing writing as a model of universal salvation (apokastasis), work’s self-destruction on its way to the complete actualization of its potency.


Opublikowane : 2019-10-23

Mrugalski, M. (2019). Aktualność Dantego i Kresy Vincenza. Teologia i styl Na wysokiej połoninie. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 50(1), 271-305. Pobrano z https://journals.polon.uw.edu.pl/index.php/pfl/article/view/339

Michał Mrugalski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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