The Fleeting Presence (on Zygmunt Rumel’s Poetry)


The main protagonist of this paper is Zygmunt Rumel (1915−1943), a forgotten poet of the late midwar period and the time of German occupation. The paper is an attempt to read his modest in volume poetry; the reading is based on his biography, due to the fact that the form of this verse is determined mostly by his biographic experiences. Its genesis is shaped by Rumel’s connection to the Borderlands (youth spent in Wołyń, the conspirational activity during the WWII). In this perspective, Rumel’s poetry seems to be a continuation of the Romantic Ukrainian school and becomes a part of the twentieth century Borderlands literature in its Wołyń strain.

Published : 2019-10-23

Wójcik, T. (2019). The Fleeting Presence (on Zygmunt Rumel’s Poetry). Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 50((1), 257-270. Retrieved from

Tomasz Wójcik 
University of Warsaw  Poland

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