Litania poetycka między nowożytnością a nowoczesnością


The article describes the process of crystallisation of the Polish modern poetic litany on the examples from the writings by Kornel Ujejski, Maria Konopnicka, Cyprian Norwid and others. During the 19th century this traditional genre was rediscovered as a valuable literary form. The current of the litanies devoted to public affairs was of special interest. Owing to Adam Mickiewicz’s “The Pilgrims Litany” (Litania pielgrzymska) and the stanzaic poems by Ujejski it had two patterns. Both became the elements of the canon of Polish literature for the poets born in the first half of the 20th century. Therefore the characteristic features of these litanies can be found in modern, not only patriotic, poetry i.e. in the poems by Wierzyński, Liebert, Słobodnik, Różewicz, Kamieńska, Pasierb, Szymborska and many others.


Opublikowane : 2019-10-19

Sadowski, W. (2019). Litania poetycka między nowożytnością a nowoczesnością. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 59(3), 79-106. Pobrano z

Witold Sadowski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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