Lipcowy upał w wierszu Venantiusa Fortunatusa (VII 8)


The article concerns the first part (v. 1-32) of Venantius Fortunatus’ poetic letter addressed to Lupus, a dignitary in Merovingian Gaul (VII 8). The author analyses a lengthy description of summer, which appears in this text and ultimately emerges as a simile (devoid of introductory ut) or even a metaphor (i.e. a traveller tired of the heat is a poet anxious about the fate of Lupus, while a repose in a grove involves elation over good tidings of his friend; this elation inspires a song, which justifies the creation of the second, eulogic or panegyrical part of this piece). Thus, the epic narrator transforms into the speaker of the lyric utterance. In the present article the subject and the structure  of the simile is confronted with fragments of ancient poetry, with special reference to the similes in Catullus’s elegy (c. 68, 55-66) as well as to those in Vergil’s 5th bucolic.

Słowa kluczowe

Venantius Fortunatus; list poetycki; opis lata; Catullus; Vergilius

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Opublikowane : 2019-10-01

Głombiowska, Z. (2019). Lipcowy upał w wierszu Venantiusa Fortunatusa (VII 8). Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (3(6) cz.2), 265-274. Pobrano z

Zofia Głombiowska 
Uniwersytet Gdański  Polska

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