Fonologiczne i morfologiczne sposoby rekompensowania niemetryczności w XIX-wiecznym wierszu czeskim


Drawing on an analysis of 70,000 verse lines by twelve selected authors, the study attempts to analyze the context in which violations of the metrical norm in 19th-century Czech syllabotonic (i.e. accentual-syllabic) trochee and iamb occur. First, basic information concerning Czech quantity and stress is provided; next, attention is turned to the history of 19th-century Czech verse, especially with regard to the prosodic struggles between the supporters of syllabotonic and quantitative versification. The main aim is to examine whether the violation of a metrical norm may result in compensation for this violation, either by quantity or a prepositional phrase. The study demonstrates that: i) the distribution of long syllables in n-syllable units of 19th-century Czech verse is not accidental, ii) the violation of a metrical norm is compensated for by quantity or a preposition; iii) the preference for a specific compensation type depends on additional factors, e.g. the author’s style or the historical context, i.e. on an overall tolerance for the frequency of violation of the metrical norm.

Słowa kluczowe

metryka generatywna; iloczas; XIX-wieczny wiersz czeski; prozodia komputerowa

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Opublikowane : 2019-10-01

Plecháč, P., & Ibrahim, R. (2019). Fonologiczne i morfologiczne sposoby rekompensowania niemetryczności w XIX-wiecznym wierszu czeskim. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (3(6) cz.1), 31-50. Pobrano z

Petr Plecháč 
Czeska Akademia Nauki  Czechy
Robert Ibrahim 
Czeska Akademia Nauki  Czechy

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