Nad rzekami Stanislava Kostki Neumanna i Oty Pavla


This article concerns two visions of rivers in chosen texts by Stanislav Kostka Neumann and Ota Pavel. Rivers do not constitute merely a countryside element for the authors; to both of them they have become an inspiration to comment on the Czech culture, human nature and the relation between a human being and the natural environment. The problem of how a human being treats the universe where he belongs, is examined by the author of the article in the context of environmental ethics, especially the philosophy of nature by Albert Schweitzer, who is considered to be the founder of environmentalism. This famous Alsatian thinker, doctor, musician, who obtained the Nobel Prize after the WW II, did not idealize nature, but claimed that it is a human being who introduces a moral reflection into the natural world. At the same time, he perceived a person not to be superior, but equal to other creatures, as all of them share the mystery of death, however only a human being is able to make it the basis for solidarity and sympathy.

Słowa kluczowe

Albert Schweitzer; Stanislav Kostka Neumann; Ota Pavel; etyka enwironmentalna

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Opublikowane : 2015-06-01

Sosnowska, D. (2015). Nad rzekami Stanislava Kostki Neumanna i Oty Pavla. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (5(8), 507-520. Pobrano z

Danuta Sosnowska 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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