Alegoria Melancholii w rondach Karola Orleańskiego (XV wiek)


In the Middle Ages, allegory is a way of perceiving the world.  Allegory is also an important figure of speech in late medieval lyric poetry. The subject of the analysis is the psychological aspect of the use of allegory of Melancholy in rondeaux by French poet of the fifteenth century, Charles d'Orléans. In the allegorical descriptions of depression, one may extract five types of reaction of persona: 1. Revolt – decision not to give up, 2. Search for consolation, 3. Total submission to melancholy, 4. Complaint, 5. Specification of an objective impact of Melancholy on human beings.

Słowa kluczowe

allegory; melancholy; Karol Orleański; rondo

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Opublikowane : 2016-06-01

Gęsicka, A. (2016). Alegoria Melancholii w rondach Karola Orleańskiego (XV wiek). Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 6(9), 365-375. Pobrano z

Anna Gęsicka 
Uniwersytet im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu  Polska

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