Profile Chrystusa w „Albumie Orbis” Norwida. Wstępne rozpoznanie
The article presents the profiles of Christ in the second part of Norwid’s Album Orbis in the context of the iconographic tradition. They derive from the Renaissance medals with the image of the Saviour. Particular illustrations have their origins in the tapestry Miraculous Draught of Fishes based on Raphael’s cartoon, a medal with a Hebrew inscription, an image found (according to the reports) around the Roman catacombs and in Lavater’s work. Christ’s ‘portraits’ contained in Album Orbis have been interpreted: they show Jesus as the most important of the famous men, the one who creates the history and is cognizable rationally by science and art. At the same time, He is the incarnated God, occupying a central place in Norwid’s work, both literally and figuratively. This is the manner in which the author expresses the compatibility of rationality and Revelation.
Słowa kluczowe
Norwid; Album Orbis; Jezus Chrystus; profil; medal; Lavater; Mandylion
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Uniwersytet Warszawski Polska
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