Souvenirs, Talismans, Travel Companions… – An Outline on the Essence of Things in the Stories of Young Migrants on Selected Examples from Polish Children’s Literature
Things play an important role in the multicultural world – for example, they are indispensable element of migration. Moreover, their presence or absence becomes an important aspect of literary analysis – after all, they affect the fate of characters and sometimes they become characters themselves. Therefore, the author of the article considers selected examples from children’s literature – Wysiedleni [The Displaced] by Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala (2018), Moje Bullerbyn [My Bullerbyn] and Teraz tu jest nasz dom [This Is Our Home Now] by Barbara Gawryluk (2010, 2016), Kota, który zgubił dom [The Cat that Lost His Home] by Ewa Nowak (2016), and Hebanowe serce [Ebony Heart] by Renata Piątkowska (2016) – through the lens of the anthropology of things. She analyses the impact of the presence of things in a text from the perspective of migration experiences, indicating the functions they play in the lives of young people living in a multicultural world.
Received: 26.03.2022
Accepted: 27.09.2022
anthropology of things; Barbara Gawryluk; Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala; Ewa Nowak; children’s literature; multicultural literature; migrations; souvenirs; travel; Renata Piątkowska; things; multiculturalism; multiculturality
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Jagiellonian University in Kraków Poland
Klaudia Mucha-Iwaniczko – MA, prepares a doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland) on the relationship between cultural and literary education and inherited language in Polish communities in the UK. Contact:
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