Multicultural Childhood in The Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf
The subject of this article is Riad Sattouf’s multi-volume autobiographical graphic novel The Arab of the Future (2014– ), the author’s account of his childhood spent in a mixed family and two different countries and cultures, Syrian and French. The first part of the paper reflects on the concepts of narrative identity and Otherness, including the Otherness of the child, in the context of the ‘redrawn,’ double narrative characteristic of the autobiographical graphic novel. The second part examines how Sattouf employs the form of a comic book, first to define his identity by creating a coherent narrative, and second, to tell the reader about his experience of the Otherness related to growing up in two different cultures.
Received: 15.01.2022
Accepted: 25.03.2022
The Arab of the Future; autobiography; childhood; Otherness; comic book; graphic novel; Riad Sattouf; narrative identity
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University of Warsaw Poland
Joanna Kierska – MA, graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw and the Unit of Formation and Research (UFR) in Slavic Studies at the Sorbonne University (France), student of Italian studies at the University of Warsaw. Contact:
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