The History and the Present Day of the Museum of Children’s Books in Warsaw
The article presents the historical and present organisation and activity of the Museum of Children’s Books, which is a special department and scholarly reading room of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province. At the beginning, a short history of the institution is described and its present location and collections are discussed. Next, the author presents the functions of the Museum regarding updating and processing the collection, as well as its most recent informational and promotional activities. Thus, he presents the forms of promoting science, culture, and reading that are undertaken in the Museum: scholarly conferences, workshops, competitions, exhibitions, as well as its didactic activity.
public library; Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province; children’s and young adult books; Museum of Children’s Books; reading promotion
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Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province Poland
Jarosław Jagiełło – BA, works at the Museum of Children's Books, a special department and scholarly reading room of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province (Poland). His research interests include the history of Polish libraries and the most valuable rare prints published in Poland. Contact:
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