Cinderellas for Adolescents: On Rewritings of the Tale Type ATU 510A in Young Adult Literature
The folk theme ATU 510A is extremely popular in children’s literature. We also encounter Cinderella in popular culture, in various branches of journalistic discourse, in advertisements, on signboards. Surely, then, she is also a significant character for adults. But can a story about an orphan who marries a prince be attractive to young adults? The aim of this article is to present the direction of changes in the 510A plot, which make its presence in young adult (YA) prose possible. The author analyses novels by three writers (Kelly Oram, Ashley Poston, and Marissa Meyer) addressed to the audience in this age group and present on the Polish book market. Psychologisation of characters, development of socio-cultural background and side plots, striving to eliminate the category of the miraculous, endowing the protagonist with agency – these are common elements of these rewritings. What differs in these narratives is Meyer’s rescue of the universality of the motif and its historical-cultural concretisation in the works of Oram and Poston.
Ashley Poston; fairy tale; intertextuality; Kelly Oram; Cinderella; young adult literature; Marissa Meyer; rewriting
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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland
Magdalena Bednarek – PhD, works at the Institute of Polish Studies of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). Her research interests include fairy tales, 20th- and 21st-century literature, and feminist criticism. Contact:
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