On the Fairy Tale and its Transformations in the Animated Series Gravity Falls by Alex Hirsch – Selected Issues
A fairy tale seems to be eternal, but it is not unchanging in its longevity. It is still subject to new trends, remodelling, and contradictions. In such transformed forms, we can find it in many cultural texts, including recent cinema and television animations. One of the animated series in which the fairy-tale threads undergo numerous and interesting changes is Alex Hirsch’s Gravity Falls (2012–2016). In this article, themes, patterns, characters, and fairy-tale creatures have been selected from this programme, and then – analysed in relation to the classic (Vladimir Propp) and contemporary (Grzegorz Leszczyński, Weronika Kostecka, Kamila Kowalczyk) studies on traditional stories. Many elements of the series correspond with the distinguishing features of fairy tales, and some of them are transformed or parodied by the creators. In Gravity Falls, one can also find transformations of well-known fairy-tale threads and the process of the characters’ psychologisation.
Alex Hirsch; animation; fairy tale; children’s and young adult culture; postmodernism; television series; Gravity Falls
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University of Warsaw Poland
Patrycja Manelska – BA, prepares her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland) on the image of the war in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Contact: p.manelska@student.uw.edu.pl.
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