The Doctor from the Ghetto: Images of Janusz Korczak in Children’s Books


Henryk Goldszmit – a writer, doctor, and educator, publicly known as Janusz Korczak, and in the 1930s also as the ‘Old Doctor’ speaking to children on the radio – for the sake of his rich professional life, his work to protect children’s rights, as well as his death in the Treblinka death camp, became an unquestionable symbol of the faithful orphan caretaker, determined to accompany his charges to the end despite the possibility of personal rescue. The paper, on one hand, is an attempt to present this tragic story and, on the other, to critically discuss Korczak’s images emerging from children’s books. Publications analysed here are books released in Poland in the last decade: Po drugiej stronie okna. Opowieść o Januszu Korczaku [The Other Side of the Window: A Tale about Janusz Korczak] by Anna Czerwińska-Rydel (2012), Jest taka historia. Opowieść o Januszu Korczaku [There is This Story: A Tale of Janusz Korczak] by Beata Ostrowicka (2012), Pamiętnik Blumki [Blumka’s Diary] by Iwona Chmielewska (2011), Ostatnie przedstawienie panny Esterki. Opowieść z getta warszawskiego [Miss Esterka’s Last Show: A Tale from the Warsaw Ghetto] by Adam Jaromir and Gabriela Cichowska (2014), and a work for older children, The Book of Aron by Jim Shepard, recently translated into Polish.


Adam Jaromir; Anna Czerwińska-Rydel; Beata Ostrowicka; Gabriela Cichowska; Warsaw Ghetto; Iwona Chmielewska; Janusz Korczak; Jim Shepard; Polish children's literature; war; Holocaust; Jews

Supporting Agencies

The article is based on a paper presented during the 29th Varsovian Session “Warsaw in Children’s and Young Adult Culture” and financed by the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province.

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Published : 2021-07-31

Witkowska-Krych, A. (2021). The Doctor from the Ghetto: Images of Janusz Korczak in Children’s Books. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 31, 85-96.

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych
University of Warsaw, Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute  Poland

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych – PhD, works at the Institute of Polish Culture of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw as well as at the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute (Poland). Her research interests include anthropology of everyday life, history and culture of Polish Jews, and the fate of the Warsaw Ghetto and its inhabitants. Contact:

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