Nasz Dom [Our Home] as a Social Construct

Gołąb, M., & Sękowska, Z. (Eds.). (2019). Nasz Dom 1919–2019. Pedagogiki społeczne, miasto i dzieciństwo w praktyce Naszego Domu. Bęc Zmiana.


The review article refers to the monograph Nasz Dom 1919–2019. Pedagogiki społeczne, miasto i dzieciństwo w praktyce Naszego Domu [Our Home 1919–2019: Social Pedagogies, the City, and Childhood in the Practice of Our Home], edited by Marcin Gołąb and Zuzanna Sękowska (2019). It touches upon the problem of the social construct of what a ‘home’ can be. Its purpose is to show how the book captures the process of creating Nasz Dom [Our Home] depending on the context, and to discuss what a description of such characteristics can offer to the contempo­rary society. The author begins the article by presenting the assumptions of social constructivists. Then, she refers to the main elements influencing the shape of the structure of Our Home: the place, social pedagogy, and children. The article refers to the relationship between the practiced model of upbringing and the paradigm of childhood studies that emerged later. Particular emphasis is placed on the subjec­tivity of the child and the process of creating its rights.


child; Janusz Korczak; constructivism; Marcin Gołąb; Maryna Falska; Nasz Dom [Our Home]; subjectivity; children’s rights; children’s and childhood studies; Zuzanna Sękowska

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Published : 2021-07-31

Zalewska-Królak, A. (2021). Nasz Dom [Our Home] as a Social Construct. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 31, 216-227.

Aleksandra Zalewska-Królak
University of Warsaw  Poland

Aleksandra Zalewska-Królak – MA, prepares a doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw (Poland) on a child’s voice as an expression of their subjectivity. Contact:

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