A Literary Animal Beyond Stereotypes? Analysis of the Image of The Fox in Sara Pennypacker's Novel Pax from the Perspective of Animal Studies and Posthumanism
This text concerns the image of the fox in Sara Pennypacker’s novel Pax (2016) directed at young people. In the first part, the author invokes and clarifies concepts from the field of animal studies and posthumanism that are relevant to the research of the animal representation in literature. The author also discusses the general presence of the fox in culture and literature, she especially scrutinises the fox characters in children’s literature. Then, she subjects the fox characters in Pennypacker’s novel Pax to a detailed analysis. The author studies the authenticity of the descriptions and investigates what literary tropes are shaping the image of the fox in the novel.
animal studies; the Other; fox; children's literature; Pax; posthumanism; Sara Pennypacker; animal; animal’s perspective
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Univeristy of Warsaw Poland
Karolina Sinkowska – BA, graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland). She is interested in works for children and young adults along with the image of an animal in literature and culture. Contact: k.sinkowska@student.uw.edu.pl.
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