The First Vegetarian Pitaval – Emilia Dziubak’s Illustrations to Horror by Madlena Szeliga


In the article, the author focuses on the visual aspects of the book entitled Horror, written by Madlena Szeliga and illustrated by Emilia Dziubak, published by Gereon from Krakow in 2017. It is a collection of twenty literary miniatures which describe the tragical fate of seventeen different species of vegetables and fruit, and also champignons, a sunflower, and nettles, treated as food on a regular basis, whereas here they are depicted as living, and therefore feeling, specimens. The book makes interesting references to a centuries-old tradition of representing death, martyrdom, and suffering as well as vanitas threads popular especially in the period of Baroque rather than to a horror repertoire. For horror as a genre is quite well established in literature and film studies and not so much in fine arts research, the article discusses inspirations from Early Modern European painting, both religious, allegorical, and still life, as well as from Baroque epitaphs and ornamentation, very creatively used by the illustrator. The author of the article also underlines the tradition of animation and personification of plants which derives from the 19th-century European book illustration.


Baroque; Emilia Dziubak; Horror; children’s book illustration; Madlena Szeliga; still life; vanitas

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Published : 2020-07-31

Wincencjusz-Patyna, A. (2020). The First Vegetarian Pitaval – Emilia Dziubak’s Illustrations to Horror by Madlena Szeliga. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 21, 125-141.

Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna
Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław  Poland

Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna – PhD, works at the Institute of History of Art and Philosophy of the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław (Poland). Her research interests include history and theory of book illustration, as well as history of 20th-century Polish design. Contact:

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