Children, Parents, and Breaches in the Wall

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Video games have been one of the most popular media for a long time. They are easily accessible and appear massively in the general consciousness and real space – whether in the form of entertainment, presence through ads, or government programmes supporting gaming industry. The phenomenon of this medium affects many sectors of the individual’s life, including the family. It is the basic social unit that turns out to be a field for interesting research on the impact of video games on young audiences. Damian Gałuszka in his book Gry wideo w środowisku rodzinnym Diagnoza i rekomendacje [Video Games in a Family Environment: Diagnosis and Recommendations] (2017) goes even further – he indicates the contemporary problems of Polish families with the help of games and discovers, using sociological analyses, the state of awareness and the way of thinking of Polish parents.


Damian Gałuszka; media education; video games; family; sociology

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Published : 2019-07-24

Flamma, A. (2019). Children, Parents, and Breaches in the Wall. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 11, 237-247.

Adam Flamma

Adam Flamma – PhD, works at the Faculty of Social and Technical Sciences at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław (Poland). His research interests include cultural and communicational aspects of video games, their history and personology. Contact:

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