Body: Child – Sick – Hybrid. Constructions of Corporeality in Jim Mickle and Beth Schwartz’s TV Series Sweet Tooth


This article seeks to explore the constructions of corporeality in Jim Mickle and Beth Schwartz’s TV series Sweet Tooth (2021–2024), focusing on the hybrid human-animal physicality of its child characters through the lens of posthumanist thought, with particular attention given to animal studies, monster studies, and trash studies. The depiction of the hybrid children’s corporeality creates an effect of the uncanny, eliciting extreme and contradictory emotions. By introducing hybrid characters into the storyworld, the boundaries between the human and the non-human are blurred and the anthropocentric order is challenged. Due to their transgressive nature, these characters may appear monstrous. However, the depiction of relationships between adult characters and the child-animal hybrids in the series points to a contemporary shift in the definition of monstrosity, moving away from physical otherness and becoming a category of moral judgment. The author demonstrates that by portraying hybrid human-animal characters as subjective beings, worthy of respect and compassion, and by condemning actions leading to their objectification, the series outlines a posthumanist vision of society that rejects anthropocentrism in favour of harmonious coexistence between human and non-human beings 


body; corporeality; hybrid; hybridity; Sweet Tooth; postapo; posthumanism; monstrosity; animal studies; monster studies

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Published : 2024-12-31

Białous, F. (2024). Body: Child – Sick – Hybrid. Constructions of Corporeality in Jim Mickle and Beth Schwartz’s TV Series Sweet Tooth. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 62, 106-130.

Faustyna Białous
University of Warsaw  Poland

Faustyna Białous – MA, graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, currently continuing her education at the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Warsaw (Poland). Her research interests include broadly defined fantasy genre, which she examines from a social and cultural perspective. Contact:

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