“Did the red thing happen?”, or How the Creators of the Film Turning Red Address the Theme of Adolescence


The article presents a multimodal analysis of the animated film Turning Red, directed by Domee Shi (2022), exploriong how its creators address the theme of adolescence. As the presented state of research shows, this is a new perspective on the discussed animation. The creators of the production highlight various aspects of adolescence, such as physical changes (menstruation, body hair, unpleasant body odor), mood swings, irritability, heightened emotionality and sensitivity due to hormonal changes, teenage rebellion, difficulties in the mother-daughter relationship, as well as an identity crisis. These themes are metaphorically embodied in the protagonist’s transformation into a red panda. The article can contribute to the development of research on multimodal media and provide a starting point for analysing the stylisation of youth language used in the animation.


multimodal analysis; adolescence; animated film; menstruation; Turning Red

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Published : 2024-12-31

Czerkas, K. (2024). “Did the red thing happen?”, or How the Creators of the Film Turning Red Address the Theme of Adolescence. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 62, 84-105. https://doi.org/10.32798/dlk.1508

Karolina Czerkas  k.czerkas@uw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw  Poland
Karolina Czerkas – MA, prepares a doctoral dissertation at the Doctoral School of Humanities, University of Warsaw (Poland), on the language of animated films. Contact: k.czerkas@uw.edu.pl.

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