From Sacrifice to (In)dependence: Interpretation of the Myth of Demeter-Ceres and Core-Persephone in (Post)feminist New Adult Retellings


The aim of the article is to analyse postfeminist interpretations of the myth of Demeter and Kore based on two novels: Neon Gods by Katee Robert (2021) and Girl, Goddess, Queen by Bea Fitzgerald (2023). The fate of the daughter of the goddess of the harvest, who was abducted by the ruler of the afterlife, serves as the foundation for retellings whose central theme is the process of female maturation and the associated challenges. The above-mentioned writers see Kore-Persephone as as a highly relevant figure for the modern world: just like the heroes and heroines of new adult novels, Demeter’s daughter undergoes a journey of self-discovery and regaining control over her own life, while confronting the opposition of the patriarchal society in which she lives. The purpose of the analyses is to answer the question of how the authors (re)created the myth of Kore-Persephone.


Bea Fitzgerald; Ceres; Demeter; Girl, Goddess, Queen; Katee Robert; Kore; myth; Neon Gods; Persephone; postfeminism; retelling

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Published : 2024-09-30

Głos, M. (2024). From Sacrifice to (In)dependence: Interpretation of the Myth of Demeter-Ceres and Core-Persephone in (Post)feminist New Adult Retellings. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 61, 203-230.

Mikołaj Głos
University of Rzeszów  Poland

Mikołaj Głos – MA, prepares a dissertation at the Doctoral School of the University of Rzeszów on the palingenesis of myths in Polish women’s prose from the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Contact:


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