What Is Wrong with the Positive Internet? The Debate on Media Practices of Young People
This article analyses the ongoing debate in Poland (and globally) regarding young people’s media practices. The author notes that the vast majority of publications on this issue focus primarily on the risks, overlooking the positive aspects of children’s and adolescents’ use of digital media. However, an excessive emphasis on the negative aspects of this phenomenon can lead to significant distortions and, consequently, contribute to an inaccurate portrayal of contemporary digital culture. Therefore, when discussing young people’s media practices, a much more balanced approach is needed today – one that takes into account the full heterogeneity and complexity of their daily online behaviours.
internet; digital culture; digital media; technological panic; positive internet; positive impact of the internet
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SWPS University Poland
Karol Jachymek – PhD, works in the Department of Culture and Media at the Faculty of Humanities, SWPS University in Warsaw (Poland). His research interests include youth culture, generational change, digital media communication, education, and pop culture trends. Contact: kjachymek@swps.edu.pl.
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