Is Media Use a Cause or a Result of Educational Problems of Children and Adolescents – a Voice in the Discussion


The article contributes to the discussion on the difficulties of unambiguously assessing the consequences of using information and communication technologies. The author cites examples of research in the field of pedagogy and psychology, pointing out that the findings do not specify cause-and-effect relationships. The text concludes with a question about the validity of casting the media as a ‘scapegoat’ and attributing blame to them for many negative phenomena occurring among children and young people.


ADHD; autism; leisure; media; digital media; learning; child's play

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Published : 2024-09-30

Bednarska, N. (2024). Is Media Use a Cause or a Result of Educational Problems of Children and Adolescents – a Voice in the Discussion. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 61, 25-34.

Natalia Bednarska
Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw  Poland

Natalia Bednarska - PhD, works at the Institute of Human Development Support and Education of the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (Poland). Her research interests include children's and adolescents' learning in a digitally dominated world, as well as the diagnosis and therapy of children with special needs, as well as the diagnosis and therapy of children with special needs. Contact:

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