In Search of The Fair Folk – Palingenesis of Some Celtic Folklore Motifs in Selected Young Adult fantasy novels
The aim of the article is to trace the influence of folklore and Celtic mythology in YA fantasy prose and to examine how they are incorporated in selected works, such as Juliet Marillier’s The Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999–2001), Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Cycle (2012–2016) and her novel The Scorpio Races (2011), Melissa Marr’s series Wicked Lovely (2007–2011), Rebecca Ross’s novel A River Enchanted (2022), and the universes created by Cassandra Clare in her cycles The Mortal Instruments (2007–2014) and The Dark Artifices (2016–2018), and by Sarah J. Maas in her series A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015–2021), Crescent City (2020–2024), and Throne of Glass (2012–2018). The focus of the analysis is primarily on the depiction of the fairy, the most popular character from Celtic folklore in pop culture, and to a lesser extent, other aspects of beliefs and customs from this cultural sphere. The author points out that while not all writers have fully used their potential, these motifs offer an interesting and inspiring array of meanings and symbols. They serve as a diverse and alternative resource for authors seeking to craft new narratives that exploit mythologies and beliefs of (not only) European pre-Christian communities and address themes that remain relevant today.
Received: 31.05.2023
Accepted: 06.11.2023
Celtic folklore; Celtic mythology; myth palingenesis; young adult fantasy; fairies
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University of Rzeszów Poland
Kinga Matuszko – MA, prepares her doctoral dissertation at the Doctoral School of the University of Rzeszów in the discipline of literary studies on identity paresis in popular Anglo-Saxon adaptations of cultural texts. Her research interests include pop culture, contemporary Polish and foreign literature, translation, pre-Christian European cultures and new trends in literary theory (e.g. gender studies, masculinity studies, ecocriticism, postfeminism). Contact:
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