Spaces of Horror in Leigh Bardugo’s Works Set in the Grishaverse as a Tool of Social Criticism
This paper analyses selected works by Leigh Bardugo set in the Grishaverse. Its aim is to explore the way in which the writer consistently employs horror narrative mechanisms to critique non-literary reality. The unique aspect of Bardugo’s criticism, specifically her emphasis on individual responsibility for the oppressive nature of the social system, is one of the factors distinguishing the series from conventionally understood fantasy. The text achieves its goal by analysing spaces depicted through the poetics of horror (predominantly derived from Gothic literature), and by exploring the relationship between the hero and space, attempting to determine the scope of their mutual influences and the symbolic function of space. The author of the paper identifies the functions of appropriation practices and symbolic marking of space, considering them as possible expressions of rebellion against the system’s identified weaknesses. Ultimately, these considerations make an attempt to place the Grishaverse within the broader discourse of socially engaged fantasy.
Received: 30.05.2023
Accepted: 05.12.2023
Grishaverse; Leigh Bardugo; fantasy literature; young adult literature; spaces of horror; poetics; place and space studies
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University of Warsaw Poland
Joanna Głogowska – MA, a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland), is currently pursuing studies in Modern Publishing at the same university. Her research interests include fantasy literature, game studies, and social aspects of popular culture. Contact:

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