Can “queerness disarm social anxieties”? A Conversation with Alina Szeptycka


This conversation with Alina Szeptycka explores queer children’s and young adult literature in Poland.


Alina Szeptycka; LGBTQIA ; children’s and young adult literature; queer literature; Poland

Published : 2022-12-07

Mik, A., & Skowera, M. (2022). Can “queerness disarm social anxieties”? A Conversation with Alina Szeptycka. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 4(2), 75-84.

Anna Mik
Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province  Poland

Anna Mik –  PhD, works at the Museum of Children's Books, a special department and scholarly reading room of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province (Poland). Her research interests include gender studies, monster studies, queer studies, and multiculturalism in the context of children’s and young adult literature and culture. Contact:

Maciej Skowera 
University of Warsaw, Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province  Poland

Maciej Skowera – PhD, works at the Institute of Polish Literature of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw as well as at the Museum of Children's Books, a special department and scholarly reading room of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province (Poland). His research interests include history and the theory of children’s and young adult fantasy fiction, adult reworkings of juvenile classics, and popular culture. Contact: or

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