Internationalisation of Children’s and Young Adult Literature – a Threat or an Opportunity for Cultural Diversity?
Sommerfeld, B., Pieciul-Karmińska, E., & Düring, M. (Eds.). (2020). Kulturelle Diversität in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Übersetzung und Rezeption. Peter Lang.
This review article discusses the monograph Kulturelle Diversität in der Kinderund Jugendliteratur. Übersetzung und Rezeption [Cultural Diversity in Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Translation and Reception], edited by Beate Sommerfeld, Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska, and Michael Düring (2020), which is part of the field of research on the translation and reception of children’s and YA literature. The chapters collected in the volume broaden the research perspective to include the context of cultural diversity. The case studies discussed in the paper reflect on the translation of culturally distinct elements and their reception in the target cultures. What emerges as significant is the role of translators as intermediaries in the responsible transfer of dissimilarity, which not only protects the source culture from its homogenisation and distortion, but also allows for the removal of the barriers between the ‘foreign’ and the ‘self.’
Received: 02.08.2022
Accepted: 28.10.2022
Beate Sommerfeld; Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska; globalisation; internationalisation; children’s and young adult literature; , Michael Düring; literary translation; reception; cultural diversity
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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland
Anna Fimiak-Chwiłkowska – PhD, works at the Institute of German Studies of the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). Her research interests include cultural aspects of literary translation, profiles of translators of Polish and German literature, translation of 20th-century Polish literature into German, and translation of children’s literature. Contact:
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