[review of:] Peter Arkadiev, Axel Holvoet & Björn Wiemer, eds. 2015. Contemporary Approaches to Baltic Linguistics
Peter Arkadiev, Axel Holvoet & Björn Wiemer, eds. 2015. Contemporary Approaches to Baltic Linguistics. (trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 276). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN: 978-3-11-034376-2.
Only in recent years have we witnessed an increase of interest and scholarly activities regarding the Baltic languages, and for today's audience it may be more worthwhile to watch what is going on than no ponder over results. This volume provides an excellent opportunity to do so, presenting 13 individual studies by an international cast. They are preceded by an introductory article by the editors which has the lenght of a small monograph and is probably the most comprehensive overview of state of the art of Baltic linguistics that has ever been written.
Contemporary Approaches to Baltic Linguistics; Axel Holvoet; Peter Arkadiev; Björn Wiemer; Baltic languages
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Institute of Linguistics, al. Niepodległości 4, PL-61-874 Poznań Poland
homepage: http://naunicol-e.home.amu.edu.pl/