Pseudocoordination with 'take' in Baltic and its neighbours


This paper is the first empirical study of the construction TAKE (and V (“he took and left” = ‘he left suddenly, unexpectedly’) in contemporary Latvian and Lithuanian, carried out on a large sample of corpus data. The results obtained for Baltic are compared with Slavic (Polish, Russian) and Finnic (Estonian, Finnish) data from comparable corpora. It is argued that out of all the languages under consideration, in Baltic the construction is the most frequent and the most fixed in its form, while at the same time being able to appear in various inflectional forms and in various functions. Other languages differ in how they deviate from the Baltic type. It is also shown that its semantics is largely context-dependent, being sensitive to the semantics of the inflectional form, subject and type of the lexical verb.


pseudocoordination; hendiadys; Latvian; Lithuanian; Estonian; Finnish; Russian; Polish; corpus linguistics

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Published : 2019-12-31

Nau, N., Kozhanov, K., Lindström, L., Laugalienė, A., & Brudzyński, P. (2019). Pseudocoordination with ’take’ in Baltic and its neighbours. Baltic Linguistics, 10, 237-306.

Nicole Nau 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Department of Scandinavian Studies, al. Niepodległości 4, PL-61-874 Poznań & Vilnius University, Institute for the Languages and Cultures of the Baltic, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius  Poland
Kirill Kozhanov 
Vilnius University, Institute for the Languages and Cultures of the Baltic, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius  Lithuania
Liina Lindström 
University of Tartu, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, Ülikooli 18, EE-50090 Tartu & Vilnius University, Institute for the Languages and Cultures of the Baltic, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius  Estonia
Asta Laugalienė 
Vilnius University, Institute for the Languages and Cultures of the Baltic, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius  Lithuania
Paweł Brudzyński 
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Polish Studies, KJOWPiB, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, PL-00-927 Warszawa & Vilnius University, Institute for the Languages and Cultures of the Baltic, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius  Poland